Sunday, March 6, 2016

Experiment time: healthy habits, washing hands properly

While working on the healthy habits unit, we had an experiment about washing the hands in a more effective and healthy way, to avoid getting ill...

For this experiment you need:
*A big bowl with hot water
*A big bowl with cold water
*Dish washing soap
*Cinnamon (I used other this time)
*Olive oil
*Kitchen paper


1. First, you need to prepare everything and choose two students. They need to get their hands dirty with olive oil and cinnamon.

2. One of them needs to try to get his hands clean in the cold water with no soap and the other one needs to put some soap on his hands and wash them with hot water.


  3. Check the results for all children to see that you can't wash your hands and remove bacteria well if you don't wash them with soap and hot water.

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